데이빗의 도스 게임 자료실




AT Bus Clock Selection

This feature allows the user to select the AT bus clock that derive from system clock, on system clock speed of 40MHz. CLKI/5 will get 8MHz clock speed on AT bus, CLKI/4 will get 10MHz clock speed on AT bus and CLKI/3 will get 13.3MHz clock speed on AT bus.


Memory Read Wait State

This feature allows the user to select the memory read settings, zero, one or two memory read wait state. The optimal setting depends on CPU clock speed, one memory read wait state for clock speed of 40MHz.(default).


Memory Write Wait State

This feature allows the user to select the memory write settings, zero, one, two, or three memory write wait state. The optimal setting depends on CPU clock speed, one memory write wait state for clock speed of 40MHz.(default).


Cache Read Cycle

This feature allows the user to select four cache read burst settings, 2-1-1-1, 3-1-1-1, 2-2-2-2, or 3-2-2-2. The optimal setting depends on CPU clock speed, 2-1-1-1 for clock speed of 40MHz. (default).


Cache Write Wait State

This feature allows the user to select be tween three cache write settings, zero, one, or two cache write wait state. The optimal setting depends on CPU clock speed, one memory write wait state for clock speed of 40MHz. (default).

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