데이빗의 도스 게임 자료실


Game Dev

One of the most annoying things when you try to get a screen recording of your game is the huge black borders on either side of the screen that look like this.


This is the default view for all UE4 games but there is a way to be able to change the view to wide screen without stretching the image.

1st You need to find and open a file called SteamVRRender.cpp This is the path for that file on my computer.


2nd Change it from this

RendererModule->DrawRectangle( RHICmdList, ViewportWidth / 4, 0, ViewportWidth / 2, ViewportHeight, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.6f, FIntPoint(ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight), FIntPoint(1, 1), *VertexShader, EDRF_Default);


to this

RendererModule->DrawRectangle( RHICmdList, 0, 0, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.4f, FIntPoint(ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight), FIntPoint(1, 1), *VertexShader, EDRF_Default);


3rd Save the change then rebuild the version of the engine you are using. I'm using the Oculus forward renderer so this is where I go


I click on UE4.sin Then I click on Build Solution


After that when I play the game in the project editor or a packaged game and I want to do a screen recording it goes from this before build


To this after build


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