declare @SchemaName varchar(100)declare @TableName varchar(256) declare @IndexName varchar(256) declare @ColumnName varchar(100) declare @is_unique varchar(100) declare @IndexTypeDesc varchar(100) declare @FileGroupName varchar(100) declare @is_disabled varchar(100) declare @IndexOptions varchar(max) declare @IndexColumnId int declare @IsDescendingKey int declare @IsIncludedColumn int declare @TSQLScripCreationIndex varchar(max) declare @TSQLScripDisableIndex varchar(max) declare CursorIndex cursor for select schema_name(t.schema_id) [schema_name],,, case when ix.is_unique = 1 then 'UNIQUE ' else '' END , ix.type_desc, case when ix.is_padded=1 then 'PAD_INDEX = ON, ' else 'PAD_INDEX = OFF, ' end + case when ix.allow_page_locks=1 then 'ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, ' else 'ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF, ' end + case when ix.allow_row_locks=1 then 'ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ' else 'ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF, ' end + case when INDEXPROPERTY(t.object_id,, 'IsStatistics') = 1 then 'STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ON, ' else 'STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, ' end + case when ix.ignore_dup_key=1 then 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON, ' else 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ' end + 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, FILLFACTOR =' + CAST(ix.fill_factor AS VARCHAR(3)) AS IndexOptions , ix.is_disabled , FILEGROUP_NAME(ix.data_space_id) FileGroupName from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id where ix.type>0 --and ix.is_primary_key=0 --and ix.is_unique_constraint=0 --and schema_name(tb.schema_id)= @SchemaName and and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and<>'sysdiagrams' order by schema_name(t.schema_id),, open CursorIndex fetch next from CursorIndex into @SchemaName, @TableName, @IndexName, @is_unique, @IndexTypeDesc, @IndexOptions,@is_disabled, @FileGroupName while (@@fetch_status=0) begin declare @IndexColumns varchar(max) declare @IncludedColumns varchar(max) set @IndexColumns='' set @IncludedColumns='' declare CursorIndexColumn cursor for select, ixc.is_descending_key, ixc.is_included_column from sys.tables tb inner join sys.indexes ix on tb.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.index_columns ixc on ix.object_id=ixc.object_id and ix.index_id= ixc.index_id inner join sys.columns col on ixc.object_id =col.object_id and ixc.column_id=col.column_id where ix.type>0 and (ix.is_primary_key=0 or ix.is_unique_constraint=0) and schema_name(tb.schema_id)=@SchemaName and and order by ixc.index_column_id open CursorIndexColumn fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn while (@@fetch_status=0) begin if @IsIncludedColumn=0 set @IndexColumns=@IndexColumns + @ColumnName + case when @IsDescendingKey=1 then ' DESC, ' else ' ASC, ' end else set @IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns + @ColumnName +', ' fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn end close CursorIndexColumn deallocate CursorIndexColumn set @IndexColumns = substring(@IndexColumns, 1, len(@IndexColumns)-1) set @IncludedColumns = case when len(@IncludedColumns) >0 then substring(@IncludedColumns, 1, len(@IncludedColumns)-1) else '' end -- print @IndexColumns -- print @IncludedColumns set @TSQLScripCreationIndex ='' set @TSQLScripDisableIndex ='' set @TSQLScripCreationIndex='CREATE '+ @is_unique +@IndexTypeDesc + ' INDEX ' +QUOTENAME(@IndexName)+' ON ' + QUOTENAME(@SchemaName) +'.'+ QUOTENAME(@TableName)+ '('+@IndexColumns+') '+ case when len(@IncludedColumns)>0 then CHAR(13) +'INCLUDE (' + @IncludedColumns+ ')' else '' end + CHAR(13)+'WITH (' + @IndexOptions+ ') ON ' + QUOTENAME(@FileGroupName) + ';' if @is_disabled=1 set @TSQLScripDisableIndex= CHAR(13) +'ALTER INDEX ' +QUOTENAME(@IndexName) + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(@SchemaName) +'.'+ QUOTENAME(@TableName) + ' DISABLE;' + CHAR(13) print @TSQLScripCreationIndex print @TSQLScripDisableIndex fetch next from CursorIndex into @SchemaName, @TableName, @IndexName, @is_unique, @IndexTypeDesc, @IndexOptions,@is_disabled, @FileGroupName end close CursorIndex deallocate CursorIndex